A brand dedicated to celebrating
human connections and helping others leave their mark in the world.

A brand dedicated to celebrating human connections and helping others leave their mark in the world.


Deja Marc is a jewellery brand, based in Hampshire UK & Sydney Australia, who help customers celebrate their loving connections all over the world.

The brand name Deja Marc was inspired by the phrase ‘Deja tu marca’ in Spanish - Meaning 'Leave your Mark'. Inspiration for individuals to leave their mark physically in the form of fingerprint design, as well as symbolically by being a good person and leaving their mark on the world.

Rosie, the founder of Deja Marc is an English girl living in Sydney Australia with her young family. This year saw Rosie bring her business back home to the countryside of England, with her sister Gracie running our UK customers. 

The inspiration behind Deja Marc was sparked after a series of friends baby showers highlighted they were all about the baby, and not the soon to be mum. Wanting her friends to have something sentimental, but also a personal gift for them to cherish she started making keepsakes.

Deja Marc was really born out of love, and it truly celebrates all, not just newborns. The love of a mother and child, husband and wife, the commemoration of a loved one lost, and the unbreakable bond of best friends. Any type of love really. They are all so different, with their own unique story to tell.

We hope to capture your love story too x 


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